All children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace, by qualified staff trained in early year’s education. The use of a key person system ensures that the individual needs of the children are monitored and designed to a planned curriculum. The pre-school offers a personalised curriculum which leads to approved learning goals and prepares children to progress with confidence to the National Curriculum at the statutory school age. We keep records of each child’s progress through the pre-school. Parents and carers are welcome to see these records at any time. Parents are also encouraged to discuss their child’s progress with the appropriate key person.
In order to fulfil the curriculum, we provide a variety of planned activities that are appropriate and challenging for the children of all abilities, regardless of age.
Personal, Social and Emotional
The children are supported to develop their confidence and self-respect. They are encouraged to work individually , and in large and small groups, to share and take turns, to respect others and to express their feelings. Children are encouraged to follow acceptable behaviour and rules for their own safety and for the safety of others.
Communication and Language
In large and small groups, children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary and fluency by talking and listening, through stories, engaging in activities and joining in with songs and rhymes. Children are encouraged to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings and build up relationships with adults and each other.
The children have open access to books at all times and are encouraged to respect books and to use them for both reference and enjoyment. The pre-school has a library from which children can borrow books. Children are helped to understand that the written word has meaning and when they are ready they are encouraged to use letters themselves.
The children have the opportunity to be familiar with sorting, matching, ordering and counting. They are encouraged to learn the language of numeracy and to solve problems when they are ready.
Understanding of the World
The children are given the opportunity to explore a variety of textures, both man made and natural, and to identify patterns and differences in the world around them. They have the opportunity to use tools and equipment to extend their technological understanding.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children are encouraged to use a wide range of resources to express their feelings and ideas in two and three dimensions. This opens the opportunity to explore through paint, glue, mark making with natural and recycled resources. The children always have the opportunity to develop their ideas and feelings through role-play, imaginative play and music and movement.
Physical Development
Children are encouraged to extend and practice their fine and gross motor skills. Outdoors the children have the opportunity to use a range of equipment to develop their muscles and confidence at their own pace. By playing on bikes they will learn to control their speed and change direction. Catching, throwing and kicking balls of various shapes and sizes will encourage hand and eye co-ordination. Fine motor skills are encouraged in many activities e.g. using tools, pens, scissors, paint brushes, completing puzzles, using constructive toys, sand, water play and dressing up.